Events & Campaigns

Launched €100M Campaign in 2018

Female Founders & Funders

TechIreland FFF AWSSince 2017, TechIreland has surveyed and mapped women-led startups. While there are +570 tech startups with a female founder or co-founder. While our women-led startuos have scaled globally, they still raise a fraction of the funding that startups in general raise. 

We launched a focused campaign in 2018 to consistently track and report funding levels and growth among women-led startups. We organise workshops, networking events for founders and investors, and publish powerful insights to support the cause. If you're a woman tech founder;

- Feature your startup on our portal.

- Contribute to an upcoming report.

- Participate and speak at our events.

Nurturing the All-Island Ecosystem

Innovation Island Connect

TechIreland Inovation Island COnnect InterTradeIreland-1The Island of Ireland comprises of two jurisdiction; the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.

Both regions have bustling tech ecosystems and encouraging more collaboration between startups and investors, tech vendors and sellers, services firms and product companies and similar connections will help significantly drive the all-island economy. 

In 2018, TechIreland became a unique all-island resource by tracking startups on both sides of the border. We support companies develop cross-border connections, organise events to foster opportunities, and promote the all-island tech sector through data, insights and mentoring. 

Support for under-represented groups

Diversity in Irish Tech

TechIreland supports female founders to encourage diversity in tech and create opportunities for. 

We consider it crutial to also support other under-represented groups in our society to participate and contribute to the innovation eocsystem on the island. 

We run focused supports for 

- Immigrant entrepreneurs 

- Minorities and Specially abled founders 

- Other social-economically diverse founders

Find out more about how you can participate in and work with us in this campaign. 

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Munster Tech Skills Forum at the RDI Hub in Killorglin, Co Kerry. 

Sponsored by Code Institute 


Startups & New Communities

Supported by Huckletree & Trive


Generative AI for Irish Enterprise at Trinity College Dublin.

Sponsored by Enterprise Ireland & Google


Innovation Island Connect at SaaStock, Dublin

Sponsored by InterTradeIreland, Ethico and WayPoint

belfast crowd

Innovation Island Connect, Belfast

Sponsored by InterTradeIreland and Creative Spark